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March 16, 2023 3 min read

Color has long been known to have a powerful effect on mood. From anxious blues and cranking reds, to soothing greens and peaceful yellows—color has the amazing ability to reduce stress and energize your home.

Whether you’re looking to breathe new life into an old space or just wanting to combat anxiety—it’s time to explore the power of color. 

Understanding Color At its core, color is light.

Different color shades represent different wavelengths of light that our eyes are able to see. Each color contains a unique energy and frequency, which then impacts emotions and thought patterns.

For example, the color red can be both invigorating and cause feelings of anger, which is why it’s commonly associated with passion, power and love. When combined with other colors, various shades translate different meanings, such as blue and green for tranquility.

Strategy for Color Selection

To effectively implement color into your home, it’s important to choose the best combination of hues that suit the room and its purpose.

Start by considering the size of the room and the light sources available (natural and artificial). The best way to bring in color is through wall paints and décor touches, such as window treatments, furniture, and soft accessories.

Cool and Warm Colors

When selecting colors for your home, think about the psychological effects associated with warm and cool colors. Warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow are generally energizing, while cool colors like blue, purple, and green are calming.

Regardless of whether you choose warm or cool colors, when selecting colors for the walls, it’s important to keep the tone of the wall colors consistent throughout the space.

Choose colors that are either all within the warm color spectrum or all within the cool color spectrum to create a unified feel throughout the space. Additionally, use colors that are lighter variations of these colors to keep the walls feeling airy and bright.

Accent Colors

When it comes to accent colors such as furniture, pillows, and curtains, it’s important to look at tone and saturation.

Choose colors that are within the same color family and a slightly darker shade than that of the main wall colors, as these colors will set the tone of the space and prevent your home from feeling overwhelming.

Tips for Using Color

Now that we understand the power of color let’s look at some tips for using it!

Find Inspiration: Get inspired by nature, art, fashion and home décor magazines. Use colors that you’re drawn to and create a color palette that speaks to you. 

Go Neutral: Create a calming atmosphere by opting for neutral colors like grey, white, and beige for the main wall colors. These colors can also be used as a base to add accent colors to.

Add Color: Add color to a room by incorporating accessories like throw pillows, rugs, lamps and artwork to bring it to life.

Color is a powerful tool that can have a huge impact on our well-being. As we’ve discussed, selecting colors within the same cool or warm spectrum and keeping the wall colors a consistent tone can help create a unified feel while also reducing stress.

Additionally, using neutral colors alongside bright accents can create a calming atmosphere. So, if you're looking to improve the mood of your home, then don’t be afraid to explore the power of color!